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to College (age) Bible Class

What is our purpose in this life? 

Our purpose in life is not about my needs and my wants. The reason behind our motives, our wants, our needs and our course of life is governed by the humble realization that we serve a risen Savior. We did not earn this right. There was nothing we could do that would offer this entrance before God. The Jews proved it could not be done by the written law and the Gentiles showed it could not be done as a law to themselves (Romans 2). Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:9 that God “has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity.” Glory to God for this rich blessing of being able to serve a loving Father.


Are you walking in your purpose? 



  1. What is the biggest problem the world faces today? _________                                            {Crime, Violence, Drugs, Coronavirus, Poverty, Terrorism or Politics!}

  2.  Sin is the biggest problem in the world!         A. Read Romans 3:23  How many have sinned? ______           B. Read Romans 6:23  What is the wage for sin? ______                                 What is God's gift to man? ______________        C. Read I John 3:4  What is sin?  ____________________      

  3. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world.              A. I Timothy 1:12-16 Why did Jesus come into the world?                                     If He saved Paul, can He save you?             B. Hebrews 5:8-9   Who will Jesus save? ____________      C. What does Jesus want you to do in order to be saved? ______________________________                                             D.  I Corinthians 15:1-4 What "3" facts are fundamental to the Gospel?   Christ  ________,  ___________   and _______            E. Mark 16:15-16     What two things must I do before I can be saved?    __________  ,       ____________                                F.  Acts 2:36-38  What two things come before  I can be saved? _________ ,  __________                                                            What is the purpose of baptism?  _____________                                         

  4. The Church is important to our Salvation!   A. A. Acts 2:47        Where does the Lord place the saved?  _____________                                                                                 B. Matthew 16:18  Who established the church of the Bible? _________________                                                                          C. Ephesians 5:23-27  What is the church compared unto? _____________________                                                                 D. I Corinthians 12:12-13 How does one enter the ONE Body? ___________________       

  5. Are you in a church that you can read about in the Bible? If so where in the Bible? Scripture __________

  • Did Jesus Christ establish the church you are in?                            He purchased His church- Acts 20:28                                          He is builder - Matthew 16:18

  • Is Christ or Man the founder/foundation of the church you are in? Jesus laid the foundation I Corinthians 3:11

  • Did your church begin at Jerusalem on Pentecost, A.D. 33? The Lord's church existed in the beginning while the apostles we read in the Bible lived -Mark 9:1. Be honest with yourself, where did the name of your church come from and when did it really start? 

Bible Study 

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