"Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory." I Peter 1:8
We are your neighbors, your co-workers, and fellow students. We are a group of people who study the Bible and worship God with reverence and thankfulness.
We understand that the church which Jesus said He "will build" (establish), in Matthew 16:18, is identifiable in the New Testament. Our aim is to follow the same pattern that the early Christians did in following Jesus Christ and His apostles teaching concerning the life of a disciple of Jesus and His teaching as found in the Bible. Likewise, our teaching, our lives, and the work we do as the church, are all patterned by God's Word. In so doing, we try to "Speak where the Bible speaks," and "Be silent where the Bible is silent"...to "Do Bible things in Bible ways, and to call Bible things by Bible names."
Our interest is in honoring God, in following Christ, studying ad learning, doing and teaching God's Word. We are Christians by Bible standards and Bible example. Our ultimate goal is to share eternity with God and our desire is that all men be saved, just as God does
(2 Peter 3:9).
Phone (404) 458-7264
Email MakeBibleDisciples@gmail.com
Mailing Address: Post Office Box 570611
Atlanta, Georgia. 30357